Tuesday 4 December 2007

"The Good American"

I was sitting out in the hall with one of my flatmates last week (this is what we do, it's either that or sit in the kitchen) and I forget what we were talking about, but she said, "you are a good kind of American. We could use more Americans like you." Which is pretty nice. My Canadian flatmate and I are both leaving at the end of the semester, and the other flatmates are not happy about this. I was talking to two of them yesterday, and they were trying to figure out how to get us to stay the full year. I said that someone nice would probably take my room, and one of them gave me a dark look. "I doubt it. They'll probably be a confederate or something. And they won't give us popcorn." This last point might be true. When my 'rents and godmothers came to visit, they brought me enough microwave popcorn to last me about a year, so I've been leaving bags in the kitchen for the general flat enjoyment.

So this brings up an interesting idea...what is a "Good American"? Is it because I'm critical of the current administration? And I think gun control is good? I think the general view here is that Americans (read: Southern Americans) all have guns and hate gays and are super-religious and don't care about anything that happens out of the country. And to be fair, there are certainly people like that! But not as many as everyone outside the US seems to think. But anyway, you can rest assured that I'm saving our country's reputation one person at a time. :)

I just had some cornflakes for dinner and now have to bundle up for the Canaries match. The Canaries are the Norwich Football team (their uniforms are bright green with a yellow canary on them). I'm planning on wearing long underwear, I already have on a tank top and sweater, plus a vest, coat, scarf, and this knit hat I got in Scotland that makes me look like I herd yaks. I'll report back on the score.

1 comment:

Liz said...

If you are a Yak herder, we could use more of you in the world in general. So there.

love you so much.
