Wednesday 31 October 2007

All Hallows Eve

Happy Hallowe'en, all! They don't do anything for it here, really, so it's been quiet which is a bit sad. I went to a pub called the Mad Moose last night, and on the bus I saw some Oompa Loompas, and a bloody nun (actually a man dressed as a bloody nun, how does that work?), and a bunch of grapes, and a few more. So that was something. But all the parties seemed to be last night.

And my flatmates told me that kids don't trick or treat anymore, because their parents are worried about them getting abducted. They said they sometimes have parties, but that's it. And they asked me if I've ever done anything "demonic" on Hallowe'en, because they've heard that's what happens in America! It must be Hollywood that does this. I told them that egging people's cars is usually as demonic as people get.

So I'm doing some quality reading, and I have no candy, and that is a little distressing.

Addendum: I just went in the kitchen, and my flatmates had carved a pumpkin (called Orangie) and they had party poppers and a bunch of cheap candy. So that was a good time. And we listened to "Thriller", and then some more quality Michael Jackson tunes.


Liz said...

I'm glad you had a nice Halloween. I can't say the same for me. Shore.

Anna Wager said...

