Monday 22 October 2007


To think, I was there for history in the making! I went to the library before class today, and the headline on Friday's "International Herald Tribune" was about the strike. They had a good picture of people crammed into the Metro, which I had to do on Friday. It was pretty scary. I literally had to push the man in front of me in the back multiple times and yell "pardon" in order to get out. Those Metro cars are small anyway, even without a bunch of disgruntled commuters stuffed on them. There were all these police with riot gear down by the tracks as was kind of surreal. I didn't know that Sarkozy and his wife announced their divorce on the same day--I'm thinking he had a rather bad day?

For a Monday after a vacation, today was pretty good. I only had my Foreign Policy seminar, which is my favorite class anyway, so that was good. I got 4 letters/cards which made me sooo happy. And I had guacamole and broccoli for dinner which was pretty delicious. Apparently they don't eat much raw broccoli here; my flatmates all thought it was really strange. No more strange than dipping all your food in mayonnaise...but maybe that's just me.


Cuzfest 2007 said...

Jesse said, "She went to France. She never follows my advice." hahahahahahahha

Anna Wager said...

I believe what he wrote in my card was "watch out for French people!!!". I should have listened...
This made me laugh SO HARD.